Hey everyone =) I know its been a while since my last podcast. I got hit with a lot at one time over the past month. A promotion at work that entirely changed my job LOL!, Programming taking up speed and more time than it previously did, and some other things.
I do not have the time to do a podcast for now, So I am putting the show on a temporary Hiatus. Hopefully I can get it back sometime =)
Sorry, for not updateing sooner but I was in california for a week this past week. Thanks everyone!
Also, If you would like one of the episodes, or your here for the first time you can download any of them from
I am going to cancel my Sound Cloud Subscription so the podcast will no longer be avalable from Itunes, Stitcher and such while it is on Hiatus. I still play trove, So I will hopefully see everyone in game! =)
Twitter: @alan91330