Whats Up With Trove
E4: Mastery, Chests, and Ships oh my!
Recorded: 3/25/2015
Patch Notes Updated on: 3/24/2015
My Week in Trove
- Lots of Trove
- Mastery 46
- Started Playing Rift again
Game News- Last week, Samantha's stats were buffed
- Previously +13 Superstition
- Now +13 Superstition, +3 Jump, 2.2% Life per Hit
- Ship and deep water preview
- Power Pack now contains a Trovian Ship/ Sail
- Previous purchasers are grandfathered into this
- Mastery Rank 70 Grants Mastery Ship
- Mastery Rank 80 Grants a mastery Sail
- Stater Sail is in the Hub
- Chaos chests contain a rare Chaos ship
- Can buy Bone Knight and Elysian Guard Skins
- Randomized Chaos Chests
- Look out for a chaos ship, Magical Pet, and a bouncy bug
- Most likely be on the store next week (pet/bouncy bug)
- Chaos factor is now Live!
- One chaos point = a chaos chest along with your bonus login coins
- One chaos point = 1000$ spent in game
- One chaos point is awarded for 100 mastery
- One chaos point is awarded at max mastery (As long as its maintained)
- VERY VERY VERY! RARE trade able coin from chaos chests that grant one chaos point
- View your "Loyalty Points"
- Log into the Glyph launcher
- Click "Account"
- Log into your account
- Highlight Account, and click "Transaction History"
- In your history, should be a transaction for "Loyalty Points".
- Soon they will be adding an in game interface for this.
Weekly Discussion Topic
- Preparation for Next weeks patch (Fish and Ships)
- Save up your Coins, the new Pirate class will be 9800. Should have plenty of time to have them if you save every day
- Farm up gear for the pirate class next week
- My thoughts on stat priority based on stream gameplay
- Two possible routs (1: If parrot cannon durability scales with your HP)
- Magic Damage
- Attack Speed
- Health % / HP Total
- Energy Regen
- 2: If parrot cannon durability does not scale with HP
- Magic Damage
- Attack Speed
- Energy Regeneration
- ???
Mod of the Week
- Fox Mod by SlightMishap
- Thinking of calling it Kurama (From Naruto)
- Link to the trove forms post. #FOXHYPE
- Youtube Review: Click Here for #FOXHYPE
- Closure
- Twitter: @alan91330
- Ingame/On The Forums: Tiny
- Email the Show: Whatsupwithtrove@gmail.com
- Shownotes: http://whatsupwithtrove.blogspot.com/
- Youtube Link
- Download the MP3 audio file
*Misc Information*
Intro Music Thanks to: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music
Patch notes can be read in their full glory at Here